How are we organized?
At the request of the Office of Special Envoy on Climate Change, the OGDC’s operations are being managed by the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) for an initial period of three years. Two key governing bodies have been established to ensure the OGDC’s goals are achieved – the Champions and the Signatories Committee. Members are drawn from Signatory Companies. The positions are voluntary and are not remunerated.

The champions
The CEOs of three Signatory Companies are appointed Champions for a term of three years before the role is rotated. New Champions will be elected by a majority of voting Signatories. The Champions’ principal role is to actively lead and pursue the aims of the Charter, fostering a spirit of collaboration amongst Signatories to pursue the Charter principles and maintain the momentum of the Charter.

The Signatories Committee
This is a larger group comprising of senior executives drawn from a selection of Signatory companies, with a balance of international oil companies and national oil companies to represent the diversity of the OGDC Signatories. The role of the Signatories Committee is to support the Champions and demonstrate leadership in actively progressing the goals of the Charter. The Signatories Committee is currently chaired by SOCAR.
The Secretariat
The Secretariat is made up of a dedicated team within the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) who will work with the Champions, Signatories Committee and Signatories, as well as the energy industry and civil society organizations, to coordinate and support the Charter’s mission.